swimsuit: Lovable
sunglasses: Marc Jacobs
Every now and then we are talking about Abramovic's fleet. I have done it already in 5 yachts you will dream of : Boat People with Abramovic's Eclipse which will soon take the place of Pelorus a 114 m ship. Pelorus, here seen in St.Petersburg, Russia, technically is not a charter yacht. To be admitted on her either you are a guest or a so called "escort" - have a look to the Wiki page about it if you are wondering what it is - in which case you would be the very charter into the bargain. To think that one person, female or male, could be chartered makes me shiver. Call it puritanism, maybe I'm a bit calvinist, but I don't like it. Nevertheless Pelorus is a wonderful boat and for a passionate it's difficult not to notice or mention her and neither to associate her to a wonderful girl wearing the simple, but stylish, designer swimsuit with square neckline and silk ribbon (by Lovable). Sun glasses by Marc Jacobs.

The perfect honeymoon's nest
swimsuit: Calzedonia (Beach is chic)
Haida is a magnificent motor yacht. Formerly known, as Rosenkavalier, completely

Incredible fitness, smartness and fun
swimsuit: Moschino
sunglasses: Philippe Matignon
A friend on Reddit commenting my Personal Fitness Sheet noted down that If you're sailing you need to be, either incredibly fit, or incredibly brilliant. With Aglaya, presented by BCR Yachts things could be different: her husband and wife owners alone (no crew) were able to handle her easily from the UK to the Caribbean, then to Auckland, New Zealand via Panama and across the Pacific. From there she went to the Barrier Reef, Darwin, Cape Town South Africa, Horta and back to the UK... Let me go on... I'm not saying that the two owners were fat and retard, but only that with that sailboat you now could have a skipper and a crew enough trained and smart to sail at your side the Ocean. What you could not do, if overweight, (but if you are it's the right time for a weight loss and fitness) is to wear a swimsuit like the one I've chosen: small blue hearts and ruche frou frou, round neckline and pinces (Moschino), designer sun glasses by Philippe Matignon.
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