#1: How many of you?
A - Are you the only girl? Be prepared to work hard: You should be strong, face the life with spirit.....

... but never overdo

B - Case of a couple of females. Two is the perfect number on a yacht: no competition, no quarrels, enough room on mattresses for sunbathing:

C - Three girls. Everything comes to be uneasy: Photographers will often ask you to hug your mates, the space on a boat is so tight and they are worried not to show what is considered to be a negative quality. Laugh, always laugh.

D - Four... what a mess: queues to undress or to the toilet, the war for the bedroom, the struggle for sunbathing: everything will get harder and harder as the time on the yacht goes by. The more you are far from the port the higher rage and hysteria rise. With a number of participant like that, you should do better to have at least a friend, an ally, otherwise the chance to be outcast will get very high.
E - More than four: then you are the member of the yacht crew, you have a niche and are busy enough to forget about the tight space onto the boat. Now you have a role and a proper uniform

or something the like. But never forget to ask what you are supposed to do during the cruise.

#2: Are you well equipped?
on a boat things could go bad if you are not properly dressed:
Ellen MacArthur never forgets it

Yet, Samantha Davies, another sailing veteran, told in an interview that sometimes she sails completely naked. Promotional apart, the truth is that on a boat is better to protect, skin and toes, hands and head and ...

... Life. If you do think that the life-jacket make you awkward, the inflatable bikini will save your life and look in many occasions. Then, it is only a concept at this point, but it certainly has mounds of potential and cruising would never be the same

Ok you are on vacation, and you wouldn't get rid of your stiletto heels shoes, but then don't forget how much could be difficult to get on board of an inflatable during transfers from port to the big boat
#3 - Toilet is Neverland
How many times you've red on a brochure the words "full comfort on board".
Always a stinky place 6 cases out 10 the toilet on a boat either doesn't work properly or it doesn't work at all.
Everybody has his theory, but nobody got a comfortable technique. Try the "PEE PEE at SEA" a registered mark.
This girl shows you how.

- Esther Williams the star of Bathing Beauty (1944): her swimsuits bordered on scandal in US's Forties.
- Our sailing goddess Samantha Davies is the winner of the Vendome Ocean Race 2001 and 2005.
- Azimut Yachts is a famed brand. Its line of motor boats is now everywhere.
- Victoria's Secret is the most famous lingerie line all over the world. Here the crew of its models is in Miami.
- Boob Cruise: what it is explains by itself.
- from Splash Vision my image fount
- Hellen McArthur, the decade's outstanding competitive sailor