A palpable is the antidote for civilization.
Eclipse of the gossip journalism

A few months ago I told you that safety comes first of all for Abramovic. I was wrong privacy is even more important.
This one is peculiar: an anti photographers laser shield that was added to the equipment of the fantaboulous mega boat. Do you remember?: (2) 3 tenders, (3) a submarine, (4) bullet-proof windows, (1) anti-missiles detector, and (5) an helicopter basement.
This is a whole new concept on the war against media and gossip journalism. The anti paparazzi infrared shield installed on the top of the boat deck could detect the camera's ccds and would shot a light able to burn any photo.
However a friend photographer told me confidentially that even if Abramovic's ways to keep off photographers are quite genial, he would able to dig a big hole on his safety plan just using one of his old mechanical cameras or, better, with the aid of a few colleagues of him: he is sure that the machine would unable to control a high number of cameras.
The Ice Age starts this Autumnal Equinox
This is going to be the most warm autumn we have recorded. The Arctic sea ice cover appears to have reached its minimum extent for the year, the lowest since satellites began measuring minimum sea ice extent in 1979. In the end of Summer, in the Arctic, after six month of sun-light, naturally ice melt down, but the actual low extent of the ice cover doesn't seem to be in the range of a natural variability.
The new alert comes from the National Snow and Ice Data Center of the Colorado University (NSIDC). And while some people are still in denial about the warming effects and the growth of the World Green House, see on the NSIDC's twitter feed, Green Peace is collecting data to send to the world leaders at the Copenhagen Climate Conference to be held at the end of the year. The Green warriors are doing it on board of the Arctic Sunrise, from where Peter Wadhams, a world-class sea-ice expert,
This is not the first mission for the Arctic Sunrise, a ice breaker that, ironically was once a sealing vessel: in 1997 she became the first ship to circumnavigate James Ross Island in the Antarctic, which previously was an impossible journey until a 200m thick ice shelf connecting the island to the Antarctic continent collapsed. This was just one of the many signs of climate change which the Arctic Sunrise has helped to document.
Holidays guided tour - Saint Tropez France, 3 different ways to enjoy it

Intro on Holidays guided tour - Saint Tropez France, the opencast vip party and more
Every year 5 millions tourists head to Saint Tropez a true pearl on the Cote d'Azure, France. Turists are attired there just because that many music and movie stars have elected that town as the most trendy place all over the world. But Saint Tropez is not all about vips and Vip Watching, it has many attractions : I'm trying to get the most out of it building for you 3 different ways to enjoy your holidays.
(Click here or on the map if you want to locate the places on the town)
Golden path - VIP TOUR.
This is probably the main goal that a one day turist has on mind. Sharing the same ballroom with Paris Hilton could have its thrill.
(main map)
1 - L'Escale Joseph: A dinner feet on sand. Jacques Chirac, Jean Paul Gautier and Bruce Willis among its customer
2 - The Port: 800 boats. Cost per day of a 20 mt. boat on the old port 270 euros, 125 on the new one. 30mt. 500/230 euros. 40 mt. 780/360 euros. 50mt 1280/514 euros. 60mt. 1500 euros per day.
3 - Vip Room: usual guest star Paris Hilton.
4- Place aux Herbes: the market, go there if you want catch the boat people shopping fish and vegetables for their lunch onboard.
5 - Les Caves du Roi: so renowned that once Kathy Holmes and Tom Cruise weren't able to get in because of the overcrowded vip area
6 - Papagayo: Corti is waiting for you with two bars, a big dancefloor, a VIP room booked for international Jet Set

(Pampelonne map, aside)
13 - Tahiti: Known more for its restaurant than the beach, it takes its name from a movie whose scenes are still there.
14- Le Voile Rouge: both you've arrived on big yacht, there's a pier, and on board of a helicopter, there's also that convenience, you'll have to pay cash. Sly has appreciated it a lot.
15 - Club55: a lot of time ago there was a beautiful girl (Brigitte Bardot) and a good director (Roger Vadim) they made the fortune of this place. It must be that: nothing has changed from then.
16 - Nikki Beach: it's not easy to explain
Silver path- ARTISTIC TOUR
Not so edonistic like the golden path, it has been thought for people looking for smooth and refined sensations, relax, and a scenic site: the perfume of a coffee at sunrise, the bliss to be in the place where Picasso painted the "Odalisque"
(on the main map)
7 - Senequier: cafe au lait and croissants at sunrise and on the first raw on the port
8 - Hotel Sube: coffee house on the first floor and a view on the port
9 - Le Gorille: give a chance to their Tartare

11 - Cafe des Arts: vegetables and fruit of Provence on Places des Lices (tuesday and saturday), a cafe where men play cards, the favourite of Alain Delon, the place where, May 12 1971, Mick Jagger and Bianca Perez Morena had their wedding party.
12 - La Ponche : the fishermen neighbourhood. Pablo Picasso, housed at the poet Paul Eluard's house drew the fomous L'Odalisque here.
Bronze path- Fanatic TOUR
Roger Vadim is buried in the Maritime cemetary and Brigitte Bardot his a well known resident. Existentialists elected the town as their Summer retreat and a master Pointillist like Paul Signac bought there a house that he named La Hune. There's enough stuff to make any manic tourist happy.
13 - Maritime Cemetery: In front of the sea. The graves of Roger Vadim and Edd Barkley are only two of the many celebrities to visit.
14 - La Citadel: the Musée de la Marine et de l'Histoire Locale (Museum of Shipping and Local History), good the reproduction of a Greek galley. From the battlements there is a good view of the Gulf of St-Tropez and the Massif des Maures.
15 -Musée de l'Annonciade: permanent exhibition of artists like Signac, Derain, van Dongen, Rouault, Braque, Bonnard, Matisse and Maillol.
La Madrague: Brigitte Bardot moved from here leaving her properties to the Brigitte Bardot Fundation, a society for the defence of animals, still you could hear the ech

Grande Bravade: The event honors Saint Tropes, and includes a parade in which his statue is carried through the streets. (mid May).
cote d'azure,
saint tropez,
Holidays guided tour - Saint Tropez France, the opencast vip party and more

In France Saint Tropez is known as Saint Trop (a joke that translated sounds like "Saint too much") and there's a good reasonBut the Club55 is not alone on the 3 miles hot beach of Saint Tropez (the Times sets it in the number of the 10 most trendy beaches all over the World), there are more than 30 private clubs: The Key West with Sushi Bar, the Voile Rouge with its Russians and Arabs literally bathing in thousands of Euros worth champagne, the Nikki Beach: pumping music, showers of cocktails and never ending topless display.
If the busy beach of Pampelonne is good for lunch and can do your afternoon, in the morning and at night it's better you move to the harbour and have a look to the boats berthed: every night there's at least a

But Saint Tropez is not only Vip watching, or the place to meet and be pictured close to a big star, it's a chapter of the entertainment history, too: La Madrague, the former residence of Brigitte Bardot, is the flag of a 60's changing Europe. The tv serial Sous Le Soleil and many other movies were shot here and many tourist are coming only to see the movie sets. But Saint Tropez it's fashion, too; many craftmen, nautical sports. Do you want some more?: vineyards, ulive trees, art, folk tradition and good food. It's a splendid spot on Mediterranean, and Tropeziens have been able to transform it preserving reasonably intact Nature and wildlife till now.
Have a look to the three ways to enjoy your staying in Saint Tropez.
Holidays guided tour - Saint Tropez France, 3 different ways to enjoy it
folk tradition,
good food,
nautical sport,
ulive trees,
Vip watching
Summer showdown - Luxury Yacht Charter and its Designer Swimsuit

swimsuit: Lovable
sunglasses: Marc Jacobs
Every now and then we are talking about Abramovic's fleet. I have done it already in 5 yachts you will dream of : Boat People with Abramovic's Eclipse which will soon take the place of Pelorus a 114 m ship. Pelorus, here seen in St.Petersburg, Russia, technically is not a charter yacht. To be admitted on her either you are a guest or a so called "escort" - have a look to the Wiki page about it if you are wondering what it is - in which case you would be the very charter into the bargain. To think that one person, female or male, could be chartered makes me shiver. Call it puritanism, maybe I'm a bit calvinist, but I don't like it. Nevertheless Pelorus is a wonderful boat and for a passionate it's difficult not to notice or mention her and neither to associate her to a wonderful girl wearing the simple, but stylish, designer swimsuit with square neckline and silk ribbon (by Lovable). Sun glasses by Marc Jacobs.

The perfect honeymoon's nest
swimsuit: Calzedonia (Beach is chic)
Haida is a magnificent motor yacht. Formerly known, as Rosenkavalier, completely

Incredible fitness, smartness and fun
swimsuit: Moschino
sunglasses: Philippe Matignon
A friend on Reddit commenting my Personal Fitness Sheet noted down that If you're sailing you need to be, either incredibly fit, or incredibly brilliant. With Aglaya, presented by BCR Yachts things could be different: her husband and wife owners alone (no crew) were able to handle her easily from the UK to the Caribbean, then to Auckland, New Zealand via Panama and across the Pacific. From there she went to the Barrier Reef, Darwin, Cape Town South Africa, Horta and back to the UK... Let me go on... I'm not saying that the two owners were fat and retard, but only that with that sailboat you now could have a skipper and a crew enough trained and smart to sail at your side the Ocean. What you could not do, if overweight, (but if you are it's the right time for a weight loss and fitness) is to wear a swimsuit like the one I've chosen: small blue hearts and ruche frou frou, round neckline and pinces (Moschino), designer sun glasses by Philippe Matignon.
designer sunglasses,
designer swimsuit,
marc jacobs,
motor yacht,
weight loss,
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